Sometimes good luck comes when things don't always go the way you hope. This composite came out of one of those times. The daffodils just started to bloom the week before the late March storms. First it rained for an entire week. As I was looking out the window of the studio, I was sad to see the tiny blooms that were lying flat on the ground. But then the wheels started turning and I could see that I might be able to use them in an image later on. Having put a baby in the cabbage patch, I thought I might be able to do the same with the flattened daffodils. So I went outside during a brief break in the rain and took some photos at different angles. Only a couple of days later the storm brought hail that covered the ground like snow and pretty much battered the remaining blooms that had been drenched during the week. The beautiful blooming season was cut short. However, on St. Patrick's Day, this wee little lass came to have her first studio portrait made. I took some images of just her by herself. I knew in a few days she would be coming for pictures with both Mom and Dad. I went searching through my yarn stash and started knitting a fitting dress for just this composite. I didn't have any measurements, just seeing her the day before. I made a pretty good guess if I do say so!
The images below were used for the composite. The four leaf clover was real. I had grown some shamrocks to include in cards I was sending out years ago and pressed some of them to keep for myself. I scanned the best ones and used it for the little bow in her hair.
Just a couple of weeks before we were anxiously awaiting her arrival!
And it wasn't too much longer of a wait since she came a little early. Guess she knew Easter was coming soon and wanted to prepare to see the bunny!