2018 Senior on the Right Track

May 19, 2018


One day they are waiting for Santa

and the next day they are graduating from High School!

or so it seems!



This graduating senior is family of family, so I consider that family to me.  When we started talking about senior pictures, everyone knew we had to include her late Granddad somehow. He had worked for the railroad and she wanted to have her picture made with the caboose downtown. Using old snapshots and wedding photos, I put together an image to make a sort of logo. I then tried to make it look as if was graffiti spray painted on the side of the caboose.





I also used a photo that I had taken on a photowalk in 2011 to put train tracks behind her in a composite.



I used images from the same photowalk shoot to add different looks behind her instead of just gray photo paper.





 She is a great girl getting on track to become a pharmacy tech.

Congratulations Senior 2018! The future is bright ahead!


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