Close Encounter

July 30, 2018


I recently had a close encounter that I felt was magical. I was cleaning out a birdbath that sits in front of our porch. I was about a foot away and eye level from our hanging hummingbird feeder. I was standing, waiting for wasps that I hoped to get rid of that were bothering the birds. Suddenly, I heard a buzzing of wings right behind my ear and knew a hummingbird was at my side. She flew to the feeder and started eating just inches from me. She went around to all sides, eating and looking up at me. Then with a zoom, she flew straight in front of my face. She was so close I couldn't focus on her. I closed my eyes because I was afraid we might startle each other with quick movements. She flew so close to my nose I could feel her purring wing beats and she got caught up in the flying strands of my hair. She then flew down to the fly swat that I had at my side and looked at it almost questioningly then flew back up to me and then away. It gave me quite a smile.


I painted the image above a couple of years ago from a photo reference I had of a hummingbird outside the studio window visiting a host flower. It is always a delight to watch these fascinating birds.

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